Refreshing podcasts

By default, all podcasts are refreshed with a 12-hour interval to pick up new episodes. Via Settings » Network » Refresh podcasts you can change the interval period, select a specific time in the day, or turn off the automatic updates.

You can also turn off this process for individual podcasts in case keeping a podcast up to date is unnecessary. You can use this, for example, if no new episodes are released anymore for a podcast. Or when you have added a podcast of which you would listen an episode only occasionally. You can set this by going to a podcast, tapping on the Gear icon and changing the Keep Updated setting.

When you turn off this podcast setting, the podcast will no longer be updated when podcasts get refreshed automatically, or when you initiate this process from the Queue or the Episodes screen. You can still refresh that podcast, which will bring new episodes to AntennaPod. But these new episodes will not be visible in the New tab of the Episodes screen.