It’s that time of year again — Hacktoberfest! We’re happy to announce that AntennaPod is joining this fantastic open-source event again. We’d love to see contributions from developers of all experience levels. Whether you’re new to open-source or a seasoned pro, Hacktoberfest is a great time to dive in.

What is Hacktoberfest?

Hacktoberfest is an annual celebration of open-source software. It’s a month-long event that encourages people from all around the world to contribute to open-source projects. Over the years, many AntennaPod contributors first got involved through Hacktoberfest, helping us make the app better for everyone.

For example, @RafaB6n added a warning when manually refreshing a podcast when on mobile data (#5462). @Lukmannudin fixed several bugs and made the number in sleep timer window selected when you tap on the field, so it’s easy to edit it (#6131). And @vinodpatildev brought multi-select actions to search results (#6719).

How to join Hacktoberfest with AntennaPod

Getting started is simple:

  1. Sign up for Hacktoberfest on the official site.
  2. Check out AntennaPod’s repository on GitHub and find issues labeled “Good first issue”. These are great starting points! Just remember to avoid issues tagged with “Needs: Decision” or “Needs: Triage”, as they may require further discussion and PRs might be closed without merging.
  3. Once you’ve found your issue, leave a comment indicating to other Hacktoberfest contributors that you’ll be working on it (we can’t reserve issues for you). No need to ask for permission, but feel free to check with us if you want feedback on a specific technical implementation you have in mind.
  4. Time to get started. Fork the repository, get coding, and submit your pull request!

What happens after you submit?

Don’t worry if you don’t hear from us right away. We carefully review all contributions, but it may take a few days to get feedback. Even if your PR gets merged after October, it still counts for Hacktoberfest as long as it was submitted in time.

Low- & non-code contributions welcome!

Hacktoberfest loves low- & non-code contributions, and so do we! Because AntennaPod isn’t run only by developers: Translators make our app usable by many. Active forum participants are key to helping our many users. And our branding and UX/UI contributors help give the project its special feel. Joining is simple:

  1. Check our Contribute page to see how you can help.
  2. Get in touch on our forum with your offer, and tag @keunes and @ByteHamster.
  3. Once we’ve agreed on the contribution, get started, and deliver your contribution. There will be a blog post listing the different contributions (code & non-code). To get your contribution officially recognized, we’ll help you create a pull request to add your own name to that blog post!

Special AntennaPod rewards!

While Hacktoberfest no longer offers t-shirts, we want to show our appreciation. If you submit two or more PRs that each close an issue, you’ll get some special AntennaPod stickers as a thank you for your efforts!

We’re excited to see your contributions and can’t wait to improve AntennaPod together! Happy coding!