AntennaPod is participating in Hacktoberfest 2024 – Join us!
3 min læst
Okt 24, 2024
3 min læst
Okt 24, 2024
It’s that time of year again — Hacktoberfest! We’re happy to announce that AntennaPod is joining this fantastic open-source event again. We’d love to see contributions from developers of all experience levels. Whether you’re new to open-source or a seasoned pro, Hacktoberfest is a great time to dive in.
Hacktoberfest is an annual celebration of open-source software. It’s a month-long event that encourages people from all around the world to contribute to open-source projects. Over the years, many AntennaPod contributors first got involved through Hacktoberfest, helping us make the app better for everyone.
For example, @RafaB6n added a warning when manually refreshing a podcast when on mobile data (#5462). @Lukmannudin fixed several bugs and made the number in sleep timer window selected when you tap on the field, so it’s easy to edit it (#6131). And @vinodpatildev brought multi-select actions to search results (#6719).
Getting started is simple:
Don’t worry if you don’t hear from us right away. We carefully review all contributions, but it may take a few days to get feedback. Even if your PR gets merged after October, it still counts for Hacktoberfest as long as it was submitted in time.
Hacktoberfest loves low- & non-code contributions, and so do we! Because AntennaPod isn’t run only by developers: Translators make our app usable by many. Active forum participants are key to helping our many users. And our branding and UX/UI contributors help give the project its special feel. Joining is simple:
While Hacktoberfest no longer offers t-shirts, we want to show our appreciation. If you submit two or more PRs that each close an issue, you’ll get some special AntennaPod stickers as a thank you for your efforts!
We’re excited to see your contributions and can’t wait to improve AntennaPod together! Happy coding!